This course will teach you how can you create profits for your business , organization, or company. This is one of the main objectives of all the businesses around the globe, to create profits! This course is unique in the sense that it will teach you how to do that by taking you through a very impressive model of marketing, called, The Marketing Process Model . It is a five-stage model that will first help you acquire the knowledge of customer needs, wants, and demands . Once you understand customer needs and wants, only then you being a company would be able to satisfy your customers. Understanding this model is also critical in so many ways. Being a business, you also need to create those marketing strategies that provide value to the customers. In this course, you will find lectures on customer value-driven marketing strategies and related topics. Further, you can not target the customers properly and create value for them, if you don't know about an integrated marketing program. Luckily , you will find a lecture on Integrated Marketing Program too, which you can apply in your own businesses, organizations, and companies. Lastly, after mastering the steps and stages explained above, you will be prepared, through this course, to engage customers and build profitable relationships with them. This, in turn, will generate PROFITS for your organization. Enjoy!
    Marketing Strategies for Creative Professionals is specifically designed for solo creative professionals such as graphic designers, photographers, and writers who want to learn how to plan and control all of their marketing efforts. Marketing is a struggle for many creative professionals such as photographers, graphic designers, and writers. Most people try to wing it and go from project to project without guiding their marketing efforts, which is usually ineffective. This course includes video lectures, homework assignments, and documents to help you along the way. It is structured to provide you with the basics of marketing and then teach you how to find the right target market, set goals, create a marketing plan, and follow up with prospects. Marketing consultants charge hundreds of dollars to create marketing plans, which is actually something that you can do for yourself. This course is designed to demystify marketing, help you create your own marketing plan, and attract more clients.
      Does any of this resonate with you? You're struggling to get clients. So you feel you have to cast as wide a net as possible. But that means you can't get your message across exactly who your ideal clients are...or the specific value you offer. The result? You compromise. You fill your schedule with poor clients. You put aside doing what you love most. You feel yourself losing interest in the business you used to be so excited about. And all that erodes your confidence in your ability to speak to, connect with, or attract the specific group you care about most. You are not alone! We all fall victim to what seems like common sense: that a narrower market means less income, less certainty, and helping less people. But take it from me and my clients, the exact opposite is true. And now with my "Crystallize Your Niche" program, you can define a focused audience in a way that actually creates an attractive market opening for you. Some of my clients have gone through my program's step-by-step process in as little as a weekend , while others take several weeks and go through the exercises multiple times at their leisure. Either way, just imagine hearing your clients tell you how their lives have changed for the better because the value you deliver is precisely what they want and need – and nothing less . The exercises and templates to define my audience in Crystallize Your Niche will serve your business strategy, website or online course. In this course you will learn: How to define your market How to narrow your niche How to deal with multiple audiences How to create your Persona Statement How to use your Persona Statements in different business situations What my clients say: "Crystallize Your Niche is a great course for anyone dealing with (or anticipating) the frustration of setting up an On-Line Learning Course. Petra brings you back to square ONE, and has you analyze the key questions: WHY are you doing this? WHO is going to benefit from your course? and WHAT can you teach them? OMG! I've been trying to do this myself for over a year! Petra was able to curb my excitement and TEACH ME to slow down and plan this course properly. The mantra: Do it right the first time." (Kathryn Wilking - Feng Shi Consultant) "I have learned there is more to identifying my audience than meets the eye. I have an understanding of concepts such as socio-graphics and have identified, on paper using an Empathy Map, their pains and gains, giving me a clearer/more concise idea of who I can be of service to and where I might find them." (Leslie Hopkins - Pilates Instructor) Each module will deal with a particular challenge of defining your target audience. The workbook will accompany these video tutorials with specific exercises and journaling opportunities, providing you with deep insights into your audience. Bonus: A guided research exercise will get you even closer to your ideal client. Here is what my clients say about the experience of Crystallize Your Niche: "I finally understand who my ideal audience is! Who I'll love working with! I can't believe how much more clearly I communicate that in my messaging now" "Now when I'm networking, I'm so much more confident in my ability to express who my ideal client wonder my contacts find it easier to pass on referrals now." "These new tools make it easier than ever to create laser-focused services that deliver more value while appealing to the people I enjoy working with...and they enjoy working with me!" Make defining your Target Audience the first important step on your entrepreneurial journey! Get crystal clear about your niche! "Crystallize your Niche cured me from the "be all things to all people disease" and I was able to feel freedom from being more clear about my target audiences." (Jennifer Deane - Leadership Consultant)
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        Authors typically use all their efforts, resources, and budgets to create an e-book and most of them aren't even aware of the one concept that is vital which will help them throughout the process of reaching an audience - whom they are writing for. The concept is called "Marketing". We must know that just merely writing a great eBook alone won't ensure that you generate opt-ins, gain recognition, or capture sales unless you market them. Promoting an e-book goes beyond creating a landing page, tweeting to your connections, and sending beautiful emails of your book cover to your clients. Here are two questions - you should ask yourself before you can proceed: Do you need to learn some practical and innovative methods to take your eBook Marketing to the next level? Do you dream of publishing a book that will captivate your audience to the core, generate new sales, grow your email opt-in list, and catapult you and your business into the spotlight? Look no further than this course - for the answer lurks here. This ultimate ebook Marketing Certification course for authors created by Digital Marketing Legend "Srinidhi Ranganathan", Mastermind "Saranya Srinidhi" and Stefi will greatly help you to explore some of the most popular eBook Marketing tools that are available and easy to use. What's more? We will make you discover new-age book marketing tips to help promote your eBook and make more sales. You can even get introduced to a powerful e-commerce platform to sell digital books in an online bookstore portal - for that matter. Hop on in, then. Here's more hope. Your ebook could be the next game-changer in content production that may even have chances of becoming a major motion-picture someday if popularity permits. There is no time to waste. The course will be educative, entertaining, informative, and practical at the same time. Enroll now, and let's start booming. There are interesting, engaging, and new things to experience here, inside. Lights. Camera. Action. Let us do the magic starting now.
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          Why do Small Businesses Owners have such a difficult time becoming successful? What can we learn from the amount of failure with small business that we can apply to our own business aspirations? There are many reasons why a small company can fail, and at surface level the primary reason businesses fail is they simply run out of cash. Or that is what many people think, but what reasons could influence a business to fail? There may be many reasons why a Small Business can fail ...and to me, the most important are: Reason #1: They are not really in touch with customers through deep dialogue. Reason #2: There is no no clear and real differentiation in the market (read: lack of unique value propositions) Reason #3: The Failure to communicate value propositions in clear, concise and compelling fashion. Reason #4: Leadership breakdown at the top (yes — founder dysfunction). Reason #5: Inability to establish a profitable business model with adequate financial indicators. (Are you the type of owner that mixes personal and company finances?) If you can identify with one of the reasons, I need you to ask yourself... Even if you have a lot of experience and expertise in many areas, you can be lacking the necessary skills to run every area efficiently. You may not be able to supervise every aspect of your business and if you try to handle too many responsibilities, you can be putting growth, development and even your own company at risk. Is your business facing challenges: Do you have adequate financial management practices? Financial Indicators? Do you have a business plan? A Marketing Strategy? Do you know the industry and the market? Are your profits at risk? Do you monitor and control your expenses? Do you use cash flows and budgets? Does that information help you make better decisions? How do you monitor performance? Do you have the right team to achieve your goals? You as the leader : Are you motivated? Organized? Do you monitor your performance and profitability? Are you a good leader? Do you have high personnel rotation? Are you reaching your personal goals being a small business owner? Is your company designed for YOUR well being? I If you are here, you already own a small company or you are about to start your own business, either way, this course is designed to help you learn about critical topics needed to manage and succeed when you are a small business owner. After you finish the course, it will allow you find areas where you can improve an existing business or prepare to start one the right way. Understand that every small business, no matter the industry, has a risk of failure, and that will depend on many factors. Not only your knowledge, skill set, experience and desire, but other areas that you might not control, or are not aware how to handle. Is there a way where you can minimize that risk? Yes, you can be prepared from the beginning or have the ability to correct the course of action if you have already started. This course will help you identify critical tasks and areas within your company that you need to evaluate. We will do exercises and tests that will allow you to learn about small business finances, being a leader, marketing, hiring the right team, be organized and help you improve the chances of your company becoming successful.
            Have you ever wondered why some people engage, persuade and influence more than others? Do you reach and hold an audiences attention? Can you change minds, thoughts and behaviours? Would you like to? Storytelling techniques have the power to shift opinion, to make messages more memorable and they can lead to positive responses in those you seek to involve and inspire. In this course on better Storytelling for Business, we’ll look at the ingredients to what makes a compelling story, what makes some messages more persuasive than others and how to structure your story in a way that is easy to follow and leaves a lasting impression. We’ll set out on a journey, to make a business case - and to show how stories can make business communication more compelling - whatever the setting. It may be that you have a proposal or pitch to put together, an important announcement that will affect the lives of others, a presentation to generate sales. Perhaps you have a media interview lined up and need your answers to inform and influence. Maybe you’d like to use better storytelling techniques to boost your following on social media. This course will help you to develop content, make better connections with existing audiences and help you to reach and resonate with new ones. So, if you want to improve storytelling to change minds, influence thoughts and affect behaviour - enrol now.
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              Are you a Hair Stylist who is wanting to build clientele fast? Have you lost clients recently due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic? Do you want to make more money for yourself, doing what you love? Our current environment has made it even harder to compete in the Hair Industry, with the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and enhanced hygiene and safety protocols required to be implemented, your clients more and more concerned for their health and safety, some clients who used to be regulars have not booked in months, and of course you're worried about your own safety! On top of that, you're competing with all the other hair stylist's and hair salons in your local area, there are even some larger competitors who are undercutting your pricing in an attempt to stand out and win your clientele. The fact remains, you still need to bring in money every month to cover the bills and provide for yourself and your loved ones. So, how do you attract more clients, and make more money in one of the most competitive markets ever? Before I answer that, let me introduce myself. Hi, I'm Clint Ratanatray the Founder of the Zappzi Hair Business Academy. Our exclusive online courses, tools and support, created just for hair stylist's help you develop critical business skills, to attract more clients, make more money and transform your hair business. I have helped hundreds of hair stylists get more clientele and more bookings with my Zappzi On-Demand Mobile Hair Stylist Company and I've learned a lot along the way. Today, I want to share with you some of what I have discovered, information that will help you supercharge your sales, make more money, and ultimately change the future of your hair business. In this exclusive mini introductory online course, I have created just for hair stylists, you'll discover: The #1 Marketing Secret that separates super successful hair businesses & hair stylists from their underperforming competitors. (Hint: it's not a flashy website, huge marketing budgets or unique products). 8 areas of your hair business to focus on to get results (it does not matter how big your hair business is, you may have 0 or 1,000+ clients, this method still works!). A super-effective, easy way to master this method fast. How this can help you increase your clientele and revenue And much much more... Go for it... if you want to attract more clients, make more money, improve and skyrocket your hair business to success, ENROLL NOW to our exclusive mini introductory online course MARKETING MASTERY. #YouCanDoThis
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                Ignore the traditional models of real estate sales and the big team models of the bourgeois brokerages! Did you know that according to the National Association of Realtors, the average real estate agent in the United States is currently earning only between $30,000 and $45,000 per year? Add to that the concern over whether the middle class is really quickly evaporating. If such is the case, why bother? The truth is you will never get rich by working for someone else. If you are new to real estate sales, and you have an entrepreneurial spirit, then you will be better off financially by charting your own course, from the beginning, towards becoming known as a celebrity real estate entrefluencer. This course will show you the strategies and tactics to build your real estate brand, based on extensive research from experts in network marketing, and other related fields, as well as reveal a few tricks from the social media influencers and the gig economy of today, to help you start earning more money, while working less hours, than the broken traditional real estate sales model the big players would have you follow (and further build their going concern value. What if, as an alternative, you focus on building your brand reputation so that you have clients calling you to sell their homes? If you want to earn much more than the average real estate agent, yet work less hours, then Entrefluential Networking for Real Estate is your new instruction manual. This step-by-step guide will show you how to become a celebrity real estate influencer by teaching you: •How to Create a Successful Real Estate Business by focusing on Service Quality, •How to Attract Clients Using the Synaptic Bridge Theory of Networking, •How to Develop Power and Influence in Real Estate, •How to Nurture Relationships to Scale Your Referral Business, and •How to Brand Yourself as a Celebrity Real Estate Entrefluencer by partnering with Strategic Allies (Social Media Influencers) to expand your Market Reach.
                  Have you ever wondered how some brands suck you in? Through every interaction, they sing the siren song that keeps you coming back and buying their products time and again. It's as if they got inside your brain and read your mind. They did! Well sort of. What seems like magic to the untrained eye is actually a repeatable science. In this course, I will show you the secrets the experts use to attract premium customers. During the course, you will learn five core concepts. These core concepts build a foundation for you to create a one-page messaging guide called the Brand Compass. The five core concepts are: Identifying Your Ideal Customer Positioning: Make Your Competition Irrelevant Productize Your Service Create Processes To Scale Establishing Your Why After you have a solid grasp of these five concepts, you will complete the Brand Compass messaging guide. You'll use the messaging you craft in this course to create a marketing strategy that will inform your marketing plan. Creating an ideal customer profile, also known as a customer avatar, will help you reach customers through social media marketing, digital marketing, paid advertising, and converting customers through your website. It is impossible to attract the perfect customer if you can't get inside their head. Let me show you how to read the minds of your prospects, so you can turn strangers into paying customers. This course is a precursor to SEO, social media marketing, copywriting, or email marketing.
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                    [July 2020 Update]: Download the New E-book on "Doing business in a connected world Customer insights on voice and connected commerce" Do you have a product that is not selling? Your web site is not getting traffic? Are you a freelancer trying to create an online presence and sell products online? and want to create a successful eCommerce marketing strategy to boost sales? Do you need to increase your eCommerce online store sales? If so, then this is the right course for you! Welcome to E-Commerce Marketing Strategy For Beginners course . Learn from industry professionals! In this course you will learn: Digital Marketing effectiveness and strategy How bigger brands use an effective strategy to sell their products online Learn how to effectively use email marketing to boost your product sales Use email marketing strategy to reach customers and build solid relationships Bring free and paid traffic to your web site and learn how to convert them into paying customers Understand up-sell and cross-sell Customer retention is key. Learn how to retain customers by giving them superior customer service and experience Work with sales copy, and influencer marketing using YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter Create a WordPress site and use to place your own products Learn how effectively conduct market research, niche marketing, Facebook and Google ads, and much more... See what our students say “It is such solid and to the point course with practical growth strategies, and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone.” - Jennifer Smith “This is such an awesome course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it – Wonderful learning experience!”  Stacy Mir . Join thousands of other students and share valuable experience! Why take this course to learn digital marketing? Learn the latest eCommerce strategies in boosting your product sales . As a digital marketing consultant at ClayDesk and a programmer,  my experience with creating online store and promoting while using various growth strategies, I am able to give you proven strategies and framework to grow your online eCommerce store. Enroll now in E-Commerce Marketing Strategy For Beginners course today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of learning new skills - and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities. See you in class! Syed Team ClayDesk